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Course 3 - Generative AI for Writers

Learn how to use AI to help you become a better and more productive writer

Are you a writer thinking about the impact of AI? Worried it might replace your creativity or make your skills obsolete?

What if I told you that AI, when used correctly, can actually enhance and support your writing process and help you become an even better writer?

In this "Generative AI for Writers" course, AI expert and writer Pranath shares his secrets to improving your writing process with AI.

Drawing on his background as an AI researcher, AI consultant, and writer on Medium and Substack, Pranath demystifies AI and shows you how to use it as a powerful collaborator and support in your writing journey.

You'll learn proven techniques to leverage AI for typical writing tasks such as ideation, outlining, editing, and more. Key skills you'll master include:

  • Crafting effective prompts tailored to your specific writing needs and goals

  • Using the S.I.T.S (Structure, Identity, Task, Style) method for optimal results

  • Applying the Seed Technique to grow ideas from a small kernel into fully developed pieces

  • Employing Chain of Thought prompting to break down complex tasks

  • Engaging in iterative conversations with AI to refine and improve outputs

  • Adapting AI techniques for various writing use cases like fiction, non-fiction, emails, ad copy, and more

Whether you're a article writer, novelist, content creator, marketer, student, or simply passionate about writing, this course will empower you to integrate AI into your writing process with confidence.

You'll overcome writer's block, generate fresh ideas, polish your writing, and write faster, better and smarter - all while maintaining your unique voice and creativity. The course features real-world examples and hands-on practice with free AI tools like Microsoft CoPilot and Claude.

No longer will you fear AI as an unknown threat. Instead, you'll recognise it as a powerful ally in expressing your authentic voice and reaching your full potential as a writer in the digital age.

The course assumes no prior technical expertise with AI. Through clear explanations, practical examples, and step-by-step guidance, you'll develop an intuitive mastery of AI-assisted writing.

Don't get left behind in the AI writing revolution! Gain the skills to thrive in an AI-driven publishing landscape and stand out as an early adopter harnessing this transformative technology.

Who is this course for?

Writers of all levels: Whether you're a beginner or an experienced writer, AI can help you enhance your skills and unlock new creative possibilities.

Creators and bloggers: Learn to use AI to brainstorm ideas, overcome writer's block, and create compelling content faster.

Marketers and business writers: Master AI techniques to craft engaging emails, ad copy, blog posts and more that resonate with your audience.

Students or Academics: Discover how AI can assist in ideation, research, argumentation and editing to strengthen your papers and theses.

Fiction authors: Explore how AI can spur story ideas, develop characters, scenes and dialogue, and provide editing insights.

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Course Content

3 Sections - 23 Lectures - 4 hours 47m Length

Section 1 - What is Generative AI

1.1 Course Overview

I give an overview of the whole course where I will share how I have used AI to support my writing.

1.2 What is Generative AI

In this lecture I cover the fundamentals of what AI is and define key terms.

1.3 Generative AI Tools

In this lecture I cover two of the best free AI tools that I recommend for writers: Microsoft Copilot and Claude.

1.4 What You Can Use GenAI For

In this lecture I give an insight of what Generative AI is being used for across many sectors and industries beyond writing.

1.5 A Typical Writing Prompt

In this lecture I demonstrate how you can use AI to assist for a typical writing task.

1.6 Token Limits

In this lecture I explain what token limits are with AI and why they matter.

Section 2 - Generative AI Techniques for Writing

2.1 S.I.T.S Method

In this lecture I cover the SITS method - a powerful method using AI for various writing tasks.

2.2 Seed Technique

In this lecture we cover the seed technique - a good way to take a simple idea and flesh it out more.

2.3 Chain of Thought Prompting

In this lecture we cover chain of thought prompting, a great method for handling more complex writing tasks.

2.4 Chatting with AI

In this lecture we will look at the simple method of chatting with AI which can produce better results for writing.

2.5 Be Specific

In this lecture, you'll learn about what being specific is about and how it helps you get better results.

2.6 Negative Prompting

In this lecture we cover negative prompts and why they may be better to avoid.

2.7 Style Prompting

Style prompting is a great method to analyse writing but also to rewrite writing in new ways.

Section 3 - Generative AI Writing Use-Cases

3.1 Ideation & Brainstorming

This lecture shows how you can use AI to help with your ideation and brainstorming process.

3.2 Summarisation

In this lecture we look at how text summarisation can be a versatile use case for AI tools.

3.3 Fiction

In this lecture we look at how AI can help at many stages of the fiction writing process.

3.4 Non Fiction

In this lecture we see how Generative AI can help with a range of writing tasks for non-fiction writing.

3.5 Editing

In this lecture you'll gain insights into how to effectively leverage AI in your editing process.

3.6 Academic Writing

In this lecture we will highlight both the opportunities but also dangers of using AI to assist with academic writing.

3.7 Emails

AI can be a handy tool for drafting certain types of emails but should be used with care.

3.8 AD Copy & Headlines

AI can be a power tool for generating optimised marketing copy efficiently.

3.9 Repurposing Content

Transform and reimagine your existing content for new purposes using AI.

3.10 Conclusion

We review what you have covered and how these AI tools can help you as a writer going forward.

The FuturAI
A range of different online courses by me designed to demystify Generative AI and equip you with the knowledge and skills to harness its power.