Apr 26·edited Apr 26Liked by Pranath Fernando

Thank you for mentioning me in your piece @Pranath! My feeling is that the use of the term AI is a really successful marketing ploy, since we have so many creative works, say of fiction, that exercise our fantasies and fears about AI. By doing this, those putting LLMs in front of the public are pushing those fear and fantasy buttons, and it's very, very effective. But I question whether LLMs are AI, or could ever be AI in this sense. LLMs process data algorithmically. Unless one believes that there is a leap that occurs at a certain scale of data that leads to 'intelligence' of some kind (which some do believe), LLMs don't fit the bill, and never will. This, because the consciousness at the basis of intelligence, is not about data processing. I'd say it is more about "care" in the phenomenological, exsitential way - it's Martin Heidegger's term but others have notes similar things. Finally, take a dispassionate, objective look at the products that they are building, the problems they think that they are solving, rather than what they are saying about LLMs (or the hype) and perhaps a different picture emerges for you, as it has for me. Let's keep talking about this, I know we have an upcoming session to do a podcast and I am gearing up. Will be a good conversation, frens.

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It seemed very relevant to my article to share our discussion 🙂👌🏽

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