"I find most writing about AI is either very technical so hard to understand for most people, or written by those who don’t have a good understanding of how AI works." This is exactly how I feel coming from a similar background and having such aspiration. You chose a good mission showing your leadership communicating tech accurately with human touch. All the best in this exciting journey 👏

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Thanks so much for your kind words, it’s an important mission to bridge human understanding and connection with science 🙂🙏🏾

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First, thanks for engaging over in notes, it lead me here.

Second, I have a partner that sold an AI company almost ten years ago and since has put about 45 million into his current AI company. if it's interesting or helpful to you at all - I'd be happy to make an intro. He's a great dude to talk AI, in general and makes a great podcast guest.

If not, totally cool. I'll be dropping in to check out your work from time to time, regardless.

Appreciate ya

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I am so excited about the possibilities of AI for a better Future for all! As a non techie - I get lost in the 'weeds'. Look forward to learning more 😊

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Great to have you here Janet 😁

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